Welcome to the new homepage of nanoDynamite!
We appreciate your comments and feedback regarding our web-appearance.
The nanoDynamite team congratulates Peter Wlasits on the successful completion of his Masters thesis.

The nanoDynamite team congratulates Christian Tauber on the successful completion of his PhD thesis.
New paper by Paulus Bauer et al. published in Nature Communications. The paper can be accessed here. In this context see also our media coverage under Outreach and Media.
Interview with Miguel Vazquez Pufleau in OeAD (Österreichischer Austauschdienst) podcast.
We congratulate nanoDynamite member Kay Scholze for the successful completion of his master studies. In his master thesis entitled "Growth rate analysis of atmospheric global systems reproduced at the CLOUD 12 experiment" he investigated nanoparticle growth mechanisms from combined measurements of the DMA train and a nano-SMPS.
We are proud to announce that Dominik Stolzenburg received the Hans Thirring award 2018 from the Faculty of Physics.
New publication by D. Stolzenburg et al. in PNAS (DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1807604115) raises attention in the media.
We welcome two new members to the nanodynamite-Team: Gerald Köberl, BSc who writes his master thesis within the NanoDynamite project and Gonzalez Loic, MS starts his PhD-position with may 01, 2018.
New article available about rainbows on our Outreach & Media-Site.
We welcome a new member to the nanodynamite-Team: Miguel Vazquez Pufleau, MSc PhD starts his Post-Doc-position with august 16, 2017.
New videos available about cloud formation on our Outreach & Media-Site.
The CLOUD-workshop takes place in Vienna from 2017-05-29 until 2017-06-02.
The nanodynamite-Team congratulates Andrea Ojdanic to the excellent graduate degree of her master thesis and we thank her for her cooperative participation in the nanodynamite-Team.
We welcome two new members to the nanodynamite-Team: Sophia Brilke starts her PhD-position with June 01, 2016. At the same time Bernhard Baumgartner has started working on his master thesis.
We welcome a new member to the nanodynamite-Team: Angelika Wiesinger!
We welcome two new members to the nanodynamite-Team: Andrea Ojdanic and Christian Tauber!
We thank our former colleague Dr. Tamara Pinterich for all her work and dedication and wish her all the best for her new position at Brookhaven National Laboratory.
New video available about Aerosol Nanoparticle Formation on our Outreach & Media-Site.
The nanodynamite-Team congratulates Dr. Tamara Pinterich to her flawless Defensio!
The nanodynamite-Team congratulates Dr. Paul Winkler to his postdoctoral lecture qualification!
DMA train now in operation at the CLOUD chamber at CERN, Geneva. For pictures check out our Photoblog.
Who we are:
Aerosol scientists of the Faculty of Physics at the University of Vienna.
What we do:
Research on aerosol nucleation and nanoparticle dynamics.
How we do it:
Develop novel experimental approaches to investigate phase transition mechanisms on the nanoscale.
Boltzmanngasse 5
1090 Vienna, Austria
Tel.: +43-1-4277-73403
Email: paul.winkler[at]univie.ac.at